This blog is designed for women who want to be encouraged in a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is usually a few paragraphs each weekday that share scripture from the Bible on how to live life pleasing to Christ.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
"Oh give thinks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy, And gathered out of the lands From the east and from the west, From the north and from the south." {Psalm107:1-3}
I don't know how many of you remember Ben Kinchlow from the 700 Club in the 80's? He came to SGT to share with us on a Friday night, and I will never forget this verse that he shared.
He was boisterous, and exuberant, excited and just plane loud about letting the redeemed say so! I don't remember much of His preaching, but I know it was about this verse, and 31 years later I still remember it. He felt the excitement of God in sharing it. He understood how important it was for us to grab hold of scripture, and especially this one because often we don't state verses out loud, but let me tell you, everyone knew this verse by the end of the night.
When you worship, proclaim His goodness, declare His word, it will build you in ways that you never before realized. It will bring heaven a little bit closer, and you will grow more in your love for God and the things He has said. "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!!" Amen.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Do you ever get mixed signals from people? I do, and this house gives me that feeling. Confusion about people's lives and what they believe can cause upheaval in even the best relationships. What exactly do you believe? Some would say I don't line up with any philosophy out there, I just believe if you try hard to live a "good life," then you will go to heaven. I would never hurt anybody, and I certainly would't murder someone so I'm good to go.
This philosophy is right out of the sixties and leads people to hell everyday of the week. The reason it is so sly and dangerous is that it appeals to the natural man. It seems to make sense. So why wouldn't God let me into heaven? "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty, the whole earth is filled with His glory!" {Isaiah 6:3} The angels around the throne of God sing this constantly everyday and night! How could God allow anyone into heaven? Only because of Jesus, who gave His all and became our victory into the throne room of God. Without Jesus Christ, there is no eternal life."Every good and perfect gift comes from above, and comes down from the Father of Lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." [James 1:7] Jesus is the perfect gift to all!
Friday, August 26, 2016
This is a residence. There are no flowers so why did I take this picture? It is not inviting. My friend Cindy has a son who is autistic. He is being trained soon with a guide dog so that he can do the things most teenagers do, that he can't do now, like walk up to 7-11 and get a slurpee. One of the dogs being considered is a doberman. Cindy and I thought that would be a good dog because it would deter some people from approaching him. That is the feeling this house gives to me. Don't come near, we don't need whatever it is you have, don't even think of it!
I have been like that at times. Leave me alone! I have had enough of what people say, and do. My defenses were as a metal fence all around me. I was ready to attack anyone who would try to annoy me. Then I listened to the Word of the Lord: "Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, And apply your heart to my knowledge; For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you; Let them all be fixed upon your lips, I have instructed you today, even you. Have I not written to you excellent things of counsel and knowledge. [ Proverbs 22:17-20] Yes, I have listened to Him, and I am no longer on the defensive. All this world needs in found in scripture. As I continue to dive in to God's word I find more wisdom and truth than I ever dared to imagine. How about you?
Thursday, August 25, 2016
I love hydrangeas. I have at least a dozen bushes in my yard. They are the greenish -white flowers in this picture I took while in Andersonville. I try to put as many in my yard as possible, but about two years ago, someone trimmed the bushes, and they haven't flowered since. Who knew you weren't supposed to to do that?
We are so similar to these bushes. We can be cut, trimmed and bruised by people, being harsh and unkind. We don't have the abundant harvest of blooms that God intended. But, His word promises us that it is sent forth, and it will accomplish that for which He sent it. It will accomplish peace and grace for our lives. It will give us what He calls, that peace that passes all understanding, even when the road is rough. Press in and hold on to the truth of God's word because He will never give up on you. He doesn't have the word quit in His vocabulary! He doesn't know how to turn away from those who follow. He's a GOOD, GOOD Father, no matter what.
Maybe you have a crisis right now in your family, or personal life, He is more than enough to fill you and keep you. Call upon the Name of the Lord and He will sustain you. Cry out with all your heart, that means you may not even have the words to express your need, but He knows it. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full into His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. {Colossians 3:12}
What does this house have to do with kindness? I don't think it has anything to do with that! It is stately, regal, formal but not inviting. The flowers are a nice touch, and always the most important touch as far as I'm concerned. I feel that if I were to go up this walk, and ring the bell, I had better have a fancy gift.
Put on, as a garment, kindness. The picture that the Apostle Paul has painted for us is something very normal and everyday. We "put on" clothes as a matter of fact, we don't think too much about it, unless it's a special occasion. As God's people, we need to"put on" more than just outer appearances. Those deep, necessary, felt qualities need to be as everyday as changing our clothes. We all need practice putting these qualities on. I just answered the phone, and didn't feel much like being kind to the telemarketer on the other end. We are growing, and becoming more like Jesus. Everyday is part of this. Amen!
Monday, August 22, 2016
Doesn't this look inviting? I love that the flowers are on both sides of the sidewalk! There is shade from the burning sun, and the colors speak of summer all the way. We can't see the doorway, and the iron fence and gate don't especially welcome us in. This is a quote from Lysa TerKeurst's new book: "With you, Jesus, I'm forever safe. I'm forever accepted. I'm forever held. Completely loved and always invited in."
When I did Mary Kay a few years back, I remember having to go to a woman's house that I didn't know for a facial Party. I REALLY didn't want to, but I was pushing myself because I felt it would help me to be less shy about things like this, so out of my comfort zone I went. I didn't feel welcome, but I made the best of it, and chalked it up to a step towards overcoming fear. Today, I will do something just because it may be a fearful thing. Freedom is so worth it! "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and of power and of a sound mind."{2 Timothy 1:7} He will guide you and help you to do what YOU can't do in your own strength. God is not a giver of gifts to one person, but to ALL people. He is faithful in all that He does. I took one step at a time, and I am still taking one step at a time, and so can you. YOU ARE LOVED!
Friday, August 19, 2016
This is someone's front door in Andersonville, Chicago. It seems to say, We are happy to have guests! It is inviting but yet, if I was to go to the door, the people behind it would give me a blank stare, because they haven`t the foggiest notion who I am. Things aren't always as they seem, are they? Maybe they would look out at me, and not even open the door.
There has to be relationship in order to be asked in. Someone had to invest some time into knowing who I am. It had to cost them time and effort at some level to seek me out. Of course it's the same with Jesus. He wants us to come in, but we have to be known by Him before His door will open to us. He exerted all the energy He could possibly have had to make the door open. He did the work, all we have to do is realize it. " Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! {Matthew 7:7-11} He is a good good Father!
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Out of the depths I have cried out to you, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive To the voice of my supplications. {Psalm130:1}
Have you ever been so shook up about something in your life that you have cried out to God in desperation? It seems as if the heavens are concrete and your prayers hit the ceiling and bounce off? Yes, I know the feeling. When I met my husband I became so anxious, and consumed with lies that He was not the "ONE " for me. I couldn't relax and enjoy his company because these thoughts were in the way.
I had no idea what to do but I cried out all day long. We went to a service at a small church in Smithtown where Living Waters is today. The man who had preached laid his hands on me and he said this:" That which you think is not of God, is of God." That was all. From that moment, my fear of men fell off, and never returned! I had no idea that God even heard my prayer, much less would move on it! I was in bondage to fear, and God let me loose! Not every fear left me that day, unfortunately there were a lot more to deal with down the road, but God knew my despair and my crying. I would cry into my pillow at night so my mother wouldn't hear, and sometimes I couldn't go to work the next day. Refreshment, release, and peace became my portion from the Lord. It can be yours too. He REALLY does hear. Call upon Him today!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
This is Bryant Park in New York City. With all the hot weather we have been having, I love fountains even more than usual! My niece Kimberly took this two weeks ago ago when she was visiting us from North Carolina. Water is so important in the Word of God. We can all relate to the refreshment it brings. When I was young, my Dad took us to the local Smithown beach frequently. I will always remember how excited we would be to get there, going down the long winding roads. Once we hit the water it was paradise!
Last night in the Worship Meeting we had in church, all I could think about was the refreshment that the Holy Spirit poured out on us! It has been a new level of God`s grace and love for me. As we press in to God, He lavishes us in His love, like water poured out! Look at Isaiah 44:3- "For I will pour on him who is thirsty, And floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, And My blessing on your offspring." John 4:14- " But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." He fills us so that we can "pour out on the thirsty." Can you find someone today who is in need of some living water?
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

This is a waterfall in Michigan. My brother, Park took it while he was camping in the upper peninsula out in the middle of nowhere! That is what he likes to do; be without electric, sanitation, and cell phones. I can enjoy the scenery, but my husband and I think camping is the Holiday Inn!
This is a quote that my son has on his wall by Eric Thomas, "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful." I knew immediately after reading this that THIS is what we need to feel as we seek after God. We need to want Him as much as the air we breathe! Nothing should get in the way of us being completely surrendered to The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.When you want more than the average christian, when you want to go beyond what everybody else has of Him, when you are not satisfied with just going to church on Sundays, then you know you are hungry for more. You are set apart. You will hear the waterfall, and see all of creation different than most. You will have a sense of eternity and destiny that you cannot describe.
Monday, August 15, 2016

I love this sticky statement! This is from Lysa TerKeurst`s new book. Sticky statement are the words you find on a page that are in large type, and sum up the topic that the author is trying to convey. They are "sticky" because she makes a point that she wants you to remember. This is so helpful to me, and I`ll bet to you too.
I will be teaching this Bible Study this fall at Smithtown and everyone is invited! Unfortunately, this is for women only, {don't take it hard guys}. I have had the privilege of learning to write under the guidance of Lysa and her staff at Proverbs 31. It has been a tremendous experience!
Such Godly people who teach from experience and show us the downfalls so we don`t have to fall in to the same pits that they did. Isn't this the best part of fellowship with God's people? It is a tremendous tool for us to learn and grow in all the areas that God needs us to grow in. He says, Now girls, we need to get this done, so roll up your sleeves, and let's walk together and complete the task before us! In HIs loving and gentle way, we feel His strong and powerful hands giving us the guidance for what is ahead. I am meditating on this scripture today: "The Lord gave the word: Great was the company of those who proclaimed it- { Psalm 68:11} Many blessings, and love
Friday, August 12, 2016
I cry out to the Lord with my voice; With my voice to the Lord I make my supplication.{Psalm 142:1}
I hope you had a wonderful day. Here on Long Island it is hot and humid, which is par for the course in August. I went to my local beach to cool off, and the next two days the weather man said it will be extreme heat so much so that it is called an emergency! When this happens people are urged to check on elderly neighbors, and stay in air conditioning! This only happens once a year, just about as often as major snow storms.
What emergencies have you had in your life? Have you been stuck in a snow storm or maybe a cave? The verse for today was voiced by David while he was held up in a cave. Not our idea of a grand vacation! He was running from the King, oh, but wait, he was the King wasn't he? Not yet, God put him into the waiting room for a number of years, because it was necessary for his maturity. It didn't make him perfect, but it made him more like God than any other King of Israel. When the Jews were looking for their King who was to come, they addressed him as The Son of David. Jesus, Our forever King, will always be the One and Only King who reigns forever. Cry out to God and He will hear!
By the way, this is a picture of the front of the house where my daughter has an apartment. Not a big deal to anyone else but me. I just thought I'd share it!
Thursday, August 11, 2016
"Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah." { Jeremiah 33:14}
While I was visiting, working, etc. in Chicago, I took pictures of beautiful flowers all over the city. My daughter now lives in an area called Andersonville, and everyone takes great pride in there gardens. Flowers even grew between the stretch of dirt between the sidewalk and the street!
Every home was kept neat and swept clean. Many families with young children were everywhere and if they didn`t have a child, they had a dog. Most of the buildings were 100 years old. I have never lived in a city, and I have never seen anything like this.
Our verse today does not stand alone. When you get a chance, read the entire chapter and you will see what I mean. God has redeemed His people so very many times through out the course of mankind.
In Jeremiah`s day, this verse was speaking of the coming Messiah who had been promised since the beginning of time. We live in a day when we can benefit from the truths that our Messiah brought.
These people could hold on to the promises but they didn`t see the fulfillment like we can! Grab hold of God`s truth for yourself today! He will surprise you with such wonderful things that you cannot imagine!
If you were not able to be with us on Tuesday night to hear the message that Lysa Terkeurst gave about her newest release, "Uninvited"Living Loved when you feel Less Than, Left Out and Lonely, You can view it at The DVD that accompanies this book was filmed in Israel at appropriate sites that coincide with each chapter. You do not want to miss these classes that start in September at 10:30 Sunday mornings at SGT. This is a class for women only, but our men folk can read along as we study at home. I hope every one of you can join us!
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart , be pleasing in your sight , O Lord , my Rock and my Redeemer. {Psalm 19:14} NIV
I can't tell you how happy I am to be able to write to you again. Some of you know that I was called to Chicago with three days notice when my daughter told me she needed surgery on her wrist. She fell during a karate class and broke both bones clear through. Surgery was successful and I got back to N.Y. last night. She also needed to move to the other side of town four days after surgery, so it was necessary for me to pack her up since she was pretty groggy for days after. You wouldn`t believe the traffic debacle at Laguardia Airport!
Her new neighborhood has beautiful houses from 100 years ago, craftsman style, like I see all the time on HGTV. Everyone has a garden with flowers even between the sidewalk and street! Her roommate is from her college days at Regent University. I am so happy for them. It seems when our heart is right with God, He does things in such a beautiful way, that you can be surprised by the outcome!
I know He is good all the time, but He continues to do things that are beyond my comprehension. Who would have thought that a broken wrist, and a move could have repaired a relationship between a mother and a daughter? Just before this, I was musing with God about how my daughters don`t like me. I was not feeling rejected, just kind of stating what I felt was fact. I no longer state this as fact. It`s fun to hang out with the girls once in a while!
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
But because of his great love for us, God who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions, it is by grace you have been saved. (Ephesians 2:4-5)
What if we just took the phrase, "God who is," out of this verse and looked it over. We could write several books and more on all that it means to us. The "God who is," and was, and is to come. This speaks volumes to His people. It is all encompassing. Because He is, we can be more than we ever imagined. When I was a child, I used to try to imagine what life would be like when I grew up. My dreams were so limited not only because I wasn't saved, but also because I didn't have any confidence in any of my own abilities. I wanted to be a Mommy, which is a noble and respectable calling, but I was also expected to go to college, and that was way out of my zone of thought.
When I came to Christ, the world became a totally different place. I like to describe the difference as night and multicolored! Life made sense and my place in it became important. I was ready to take on life, because now my God, who is rich in mercy, empowered me to do His will, and I knew I was made for this! Of course I have ups and downs, but this has always held me close to Him. Amazing!
What if we just took the phrase, "God who is," out of this verse and looked it over. We could write several books and more on all that it means to us. The "God who is," and was, and is to come. This speaks volumes to His people. It is all encompassing. Because He is, we can be more than we ever imagined. When I was a child, I used to try to imagine what life would be like when I grew up. My dreams were so limited not only because I wasn't saved, but also because I didn't have any confidence in any of my own abilities. I wanted to be a Mommy, which is a noble and respectable calling, but I was also expected to go to college, and that was way out of my zone of thought.
When I came to Christ, the world became a totally different place. I like to describe the difference as night and multicolored! Life made sense and my place in it became important. I was ready to take on life, because now my God, who is rich in mercy, empowered me to do His will, and I knew I was made for this! Of course I have ups and downs, but this has always held me close to Him. Amazing!
Monday, August 1, 2016
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy. (Psalm 107:1-2)
The Lord is truly good, merciful and loving to His children. His is loving to everyone, it's just that they don't know it! I have had my sister visiting with her daughter, and we spent the weekend in New York City. On Friday, while we were walking around, my daughter called me from Chicago, to say she was having surgery on Tuesday. Oh, you are? She fell on Wednesday, and broke her wrist, two bones worth. So, my sister is still at my house, I am in Chicago, getting my daughter ready to move on Saturday to another apartment, and to have surgery. You never know what a day may bring!
I have been thinking of you all day, because I know some of you will be looking for me, every day, and I love that! You are precious to me because you read my blog and you are trusting me to bring you something important. This is so much fun!
I will do my best to write every day because this is such a new gifting that God has entrusted to me. Please bear with me as I continue this crazy adventure called life!
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