"Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. {Jude1:1-2}
This is a picture of my niece Kim at her High School graduation 3 weeks ago. Her brother Zac is in the picture as well. How did they get so old? Time seems to stand still with my own children, but because I don't see these two very often, it seems as if they were just born to me. North Carolina is not around the corner, and it's not easy to find a way to get together more than twice a year.
I got home yesterday from driving my daughter to Virginia to meet my sister 1/2 way. She will have a nice time visiting with them, while I make sure everything holds together on the home front. My GPS took me through the heart of Brooklyn yesterday, which was different, but I didn't mind since the scenery was much better than the highway. Who knew there was a Brooklyn Museum, a huge Union Square, and various schools there? I don't mean to sound naive, but I never saw these things before. An adventure was had, while finding my way home!
I guess you would have to say I am not a Long Island girl, but a Suffolk county girl! Thank the Lord we won't have to find our way to heaven! We will find incredible things that we never knew existed, beyond our wildest imaginations, more soul capturing and fulfilling than we can think! The good news is that God brought heaven here, in His precious son. I can't even begin to understand what a sacrifice that was for God, and Jesus, to be separated by time, space and a sinful world. None of those things ever kept them apart before! Never before did separation exist between the God-Head! They wanted to experience this to understand why man sins. In order to be able to forgive.
They could have blindly forgiven sin, but they wanted to understand. They sacrificed all for that, to understand you and me. This humbles me, to the point of falling on my face before Him! I am still! Not even the most eloquent of words can describe the depth of His love and grace. There are no words in any language, and even an eternity of worshiping before His throne, doesn't seem like enough!