Today is November 2, and it is warmer today than any day in October. I just love it. I love the way this water fall makes the water look inviting, although I'm sure the store owners nearby would not think that is a good idea. If I think it would be fun to wade through, what does a child think? It would be next to impossible to keep me out if I were 4 years old. It speaks refreshing, and relief on a hot day. It sounds tranquil, and peaceful, as if I am the only one listening to it splash down on the rocks. It compels us to be quiet, as if a sudden hush moved through the area. No one wants to break in on the beautiful sound.
Why is water a common theme in the Bible? It is something everyone can identify with. Without water we cannot survive, and we can diminish our health by not drinking enough of it. I had been struggling with getting enough water each day, until a friend recently told me about her quart container. She fills with water and lemon in the morning, and refills it at noon. She knows she is getting at least 8 cups of filtered water a day. It is pure, clean unadulterated natural water, oh, except for the lemon. The lemon makes it easier to drink.
When we are thirsty for more of God, we don't need lemon or anything else to make Him more palatable. He is pure, genuine love, that beckons us to draw near to His heart, for no cost or requirement, except to keep Him at the center. Nothing can quench our thirsty soul like Jesus. This is why He tells us to stay away from those things that seem to fill us for a short time, but we need to be filled again and again, as if someone was playing a cruel joke on us. Who wants to make a mockery out of God's word? The enemy of our souls, and god of this world, who wants us kicked back to being who we were before Christ set us free.
He is the liar, who whispers in our ears, "You can't trust God, He doesn't love you, how could he love you?" And you and I can say to him, "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be removed but endures forever. "{Psalm 125:1} We will also say,"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." {Lamentations 3:23} And we will need to tell him,"He saved us, not because of the righteous things that we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and a new life through the Holy Spirit." {Titus 3:5} The reason why we need to know God's word, and hide it in our hearts is because the devil can trick us and cause us to fall if we don't know what God says. The power of God's word backs off the enemy, and makes him defenseless. It is our sword that thrusts through the enemy, and gives us victory. Praise God.
Listen to the words from this song: Let the King of my heart
be the shelter where I run,
The fountain I drink from
Oh, He is my song.
Let him be your song today!
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