Prayer is possibly the
most important activity we do on any given day. Tonight the churches in our
area are having a 24/7 Prayer Service for revival. We need God to move on our
It doesn't matter where
you live, your area needs prayer. You may have needs different than ours, but
it is our responsibility as the people of God to go before Him. The days in
which we live warrants this.
We are living in the last
days. Before you accuse me of being negative, let me say that the Bible
describes these days as the time after the ascension of Christ. Basically we
have been in the end times for 2,018 years.
Most theologians believe
the third day, or the years after the year 2,000 are significant for Christ's
return. I am referring to the past 18 years, and as long as God says after
this. The end of the age known as "the church age" is within our
We can see the sign of
the times in our culture. Our nation used to uphold Biblical values, but today
many of them are not seen as significant. Marriage was vital to the fabric of
our society but our current culture sees it as not important. We have seen
terrible attacks on marriages in the past 40 years or more.
This is only one area of
morality we see disintegrating. For the sake of time and space I will spare you
the details, which most of you know.Violence is another specific moral downfall
we see on the rise. My husband just informed me of a shooting today in Florida.
Our nation needs us to
stand on the walls of our cities and communities! Take a stand for the
salvation of your neighbors and loved ones through prayer. Prayer in the spirit
so God can pray through you for specific needs you may not know about.
Cry out with your voice
to the only one who can deliver and move on our needy world! All He needs are
willing citizens of His heavenly kingdom to take down the lies enshrouding our
earth. Are you willing to be used by God?
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