Monday, November 19, 2018

"Do all things without complaining and disputing." Philippians 2:14 NKJV

If I could look out onto this ocean scene everyday, I wouldn't complain ever! It may seem like this but we can get pretty familiar with even the most picturesque scenes. In our house, complaining started with our oldest son. 

He had a reason why he couldn't do eveything. He would debate,  lecture, and try to make a deal. Nothing happened easily with him. My husband would say: "someday he will be a great lawyer,"and he was right. He is well liked in the District Attorney's office, and may join my husband in his Law Firm at some point.

He is better about the complaining, and he can get along with everyone. The banter across the dinner table can be pretty fierce with three lawyers at one table. I ask a lot of questions since I don't know legaleze.

Our daughter Rachel was sworn in  as a lawyer in the Illinois Courts last Thursday. Our son Matthew is taking the law school admissions test tomorrow. They will have Stephie and I outnumbered for sure. You should have been here when they we growning up!

Wow! Some wild arguments went on before maturity took hold. At least they are able to put their previous home training to good use. As all professions it takes many years before a sense of achievement is found. Now they have to put up with complaining from clients or defendants.

The Bible has many verses to help us understand why complaining is not a healthy thing. Anger can cause us to complain. Psalm 39:3
"My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned: then I spoke with my tongue."The words we wish we hadn't said come out when we start to complain.

Our stress levels are influenced by our complaints. I was mad, I mean, mad at our puppy yesterday. She is with us for two months and we are still house training? I reached my level of tolerance. What can I say? She is better today. I'm thankful for all God has done in my life. I'm not saying this because Thanksgiving is 3 days away. 

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