These roses are holding on for dear life! They were growing on the side of the road which causes me to think that they weren't cared for much through-out the summer.I could be wrong. You might remember that my one rose bush had some roses on it, but I wasn't able to care for it because my allergies kept me inside most of the summer.
My brother in law doesn't like this bush, and was ready to tear it down when I gave him the word. The only thing was, I didn't get to take the roses off of it before I noticed it was gone. Huh, As a woman I would think to cut the flowers first, and then cut back the branches. This didn't occur to him. He is a landscape designer, and my bush didn't fit into his plan. I have told him not to touch it, but he insists is is more dead than alive. I know that the pruning that it received will cause it to come back strong and full in the spring. It is not a problem that there is some dead wood in there, because I see it as alive and well. Roses have that affect on me.
How often God looks at us and says, "My child, you have some spots that need to be cleared out of your life, and I will lovingly and gently remove these from you. If you allow me to do what needs to be done to make you whole, it will still hurt, but healing will soon come in its place. If you resist my hand it will take longer and be painful and harder to heal. Don't resist, come to me."
Our gracious Heavenly Father opens His hands and His heart to us to receive good things. All His thoughts toward us and for our good, to bring life, not death. Our world is shrouded in darkness and trouble, not what is whole and right. With all that is within you call out to Him. He is faithful to move on your behalf.
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