Do you need to be refreshed? Of course you do, sometimes more than others. Just think how wonderful it is to jump into a fresh pool on a very hot muggy day. The refreshing feeling makes you tingle all over, and the coolness brings you back to life, so to speak. Our spirits need to be nourished just as our bodies do. We know that we are to eat three times a day, and what is good to eat, and what is not. What about your spirit? What is good for our spirits health?
What happens when our spirits are depleted? We can feel unsettled, or worried. life seems to be a heavy burden, that we can't get through. The joy of our salvation seems a distant memory, and we call out to God in a desperate plea, not a trusting one. I have news for you, God is in the refreshing business. Psalm 19:7a in the NIV says:" The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul."Yes, His law and ways bring completeness to our souls and spirits. How wonderful, that God has given us His word, that brings wholeness. There are so many words out there, from many different sources, but they don't bring life, like God's word does.
His word inside of us will delight our spirits, souls and bodies. God brings total refreshment to us, so that everything is working to its fullest potential. Proverbs 11:25 NIV says:" A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will himself be refreshed." When we give out of pure motives, God says He will take care of our needs. That is a statement, not a question or a nice thought, but a sure thing. Jeremiah 31:25 says: "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."
Acts 3:19 says: "Repent , then, and turn to God, so that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,. God is forever promising that He will be our everything, our all in all. Look to Him, by reading the Bible, and going to a Bible believing church. Talk to other believers and encourage each other in the faith. Do what God says to do, and stay away from sin. As you turn your eyes on Him, He will fix His eyes on you.
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