"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." Ephesians 5:31 NIV
For this reason? What reason? Since Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for it. A man shall leave his parents and start his own family. He is to love his wife more than his own life.
How far we have come from this simple, loving truth. Many men don't cherish women because women don't want to be cherished. It is not in vogue. It's considered sexist. Women are strong and don't need to be cared for is the thought.
Why is it suddenly wrong to acknowledge we need help? Women aren't as strong as men in many ways. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and we need each other.
Women want to be safe. This is especially true if you are pregnant and the nesting instinct begins. Don't mess with a Mama ready to give birth! She wants to know everything is set.
Men need the emotional support a woman gives. He needs to know his wife is with him and loves him. This stability isn't discussed too often but it is true. What is wrong with saying it like it is?
The persona of today says we are just fine without anyone else. When a society has too many loners the depression rate also goes up. If marriage is not considered permanent why make an effort to make it work?
Gloria Steinem, a leader in the Women' Movement, got married. She had strong feelings about marriage being degrading to women. What made her change her mind?
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