"The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains."
Philippians 1:17 NIV
Some people are not at all concerned about the welfare of others. Paul is in jail, and we have already concluded a Roman jail in the first century was no walk in the park. Yet, their desire was to cause him more pain on top of jail.
What causes people to be mean? Desperation. Maybe they have tried others ways to stop the gospel from moving ahead, but were unsuccessful. Their thought may have been to make Paul miserable, and he would tell christians to stop preaching.
It reminds me of a national situation last week. Some were stirring up trouble for a Supreme Court nominee with no regard for anyone else. Both the Judge and witness were damaged and it left many with open wounds.
No regard was given for those who would be hurt, and many were. Not just the families in the spotlight, but victims of sexual abuse who thought this was about justice for them.
If you have been a victim of sexual abuse, please know God wants to bring healing where there has been hurt. He isn't angry with you, He loves you and wants you to free from pain and harm. Too many women have suffered in silence, not knowing what to do.
Talking to someone who is trustworthy, and knowledgeable about these things is best, but Jesus is the only one who can heal the brokenhearted, and restore what has been robbed. There are many who care about the wrong being done to women and children.
Professional Counselors know how to lead a victim out of the lies told them by an abuser. You can believe what God says about you to be true. He will never leave you, and His love is strong and constant. His hand is ever reaching out to provide the answers all of us need.
If you know of someone who has been abused, let them know you care about them. You might be able to offer help by going to the Police with them, or finding them a qualified counselor. Love always prevails.
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