"But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." Ephesians 2:13 NKJV
I don’t like being far away from my family. God knows this and has given me wonderful friend who love me. This is wonderful since my blood relatives are out of state. I didn’t move, everyone else did. I don’t take it personally. It is really expensive to live on Long Island, and this is why my brother sister and Father went elsewhere.
My Christian family is near. Perhaps you have a similar circumstance. Family is far away so God has given you people who care for you like family would. If you don’t make sure you make good friends by being a good friend. Be the one who loves. Be the person who shares what is given to you. Good friends are made by how we treat others.
Hold dear those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. God has made all of us for relationship. Sometimes we don’t want to be friendly. God said to be a faithful friend and treat others as you would like to be treated. It really does work! In my younger years I couldn’t understand this concept.
I wanted to protect myself and my children. Rudy can take care of himself. Just kidding, I probably protect him more readily than anyone else. He is such a lovely, kind man , and I can be fierce when anyone speaks badly of him. Just ask my kids. What a tangent I got on!
I finally realized that Jesus is the best defender of all. Caring for others is a valuable trait that I am learning. I have a lot to learn. Rudy has taught me well, so I will stick with him as my teacher. Jesus is the one who teaches him. I can go straight to him of course and I do that too. What a wonderful Savior.
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