These are my reindeer waiting for their turn to be set up outside. I have always liked reindeer, I don't know why, I guess because they seem like kind animals. So much is going on right now. The ladies of my church are getting ready for a Christmas Tea. It's a chance to invite people who might not come to church, but a relaxed environment is more comfortable for them.
This month of December has great opportunities to share the true meaning of Christmas with others. The news last night had quick interviews with young people on the street about certain places and countries that are the roots of Jesus' birth. Not many of them knew about Bethlehem, or what nation it is in. It used to be common knowledge, but today not many bother to tell the story. How about you? Do you tell the younger ones around you about the true meaning of Christmas?
What a story to tell! I can't imagine a better, true, real life story that this! God sent His only son, to die for me? He was born where? King of All Creation, yet He loves me? Sounds too good to be true. IN fact, the word gospel in greek means just that, something that is so amazingly wonderful that it sounds too good to be true. It was used very sparingly in the days of the new testament, because it was only to describe things so extraordinary wonderful. It is a word that describes Jesus, at least one out of many.
Thank Him today, for the many wonderful things He has done. If you have trouble finding something to thank Him for look around you. Pray, Jesus, give me eyes to see your handiwork that is all around me. Help me to know that you have provided the air that I breathe, and the food that I eat. You keep me from the enemy's lies. You provide the sunshine and the rain. You love me beyond words. Amen.