This is my neighbor's backyard. There are few fences in the yards so that there is a flow across the back. The dogs love it. No one minds them in their yard. If we ever move, we will have a hard time explaining why we stay in our own yard.
The cool days, and the leaves turning all sorts of colors reminds me of the love of God, that never fails even when we are put into difficult circumstances. It's that pressing of relationships and things we have to deal with that causes us to learn the depth of His love and His patience with us. I could never be as patience with others as God is with me.
I think I had a handle on patience when my son had a few days off and wanted me to do what he wanted and he wasn't willing to do things on my time. Pressure, pushing me to do things his way. Patience says, "You will have to wait a bit." We all learn from it. I hope.
You know how it is with your people. Everything's fine until you get married. I'm kidding, but our daily living can be a lesson in walking in the Spirit. Keeping our eyes on Jesus, and not allowing our flesh to get the better of us.
Looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. {Hebrews 12:2}
Jesus' patience endured the cross, which means He had to put aside His own will to do His Father's will instead. It wasn't something that came all at once, it was learned over His lifetime. Oh, yes, I get the point. I hope you do too.
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