Friday, June 1, 2018

"Let there be no filthiness nor foolish and sinful talk, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting or becoming: but instead voice thankfulness to God." Ephesians 5:4 AMP

How are you today? I hope you are blessed and able to give God the praise. I wonder what this Mom is telling her two little boys? Is it a pirate story about the monsters in the briny deep sea? Is she making up a story as she goes along? I don't know but she has their attention!

Keeping anyone's attention seems to be a great challenge these days. What has your attention? Are you overcome by facebook posts or what Donald Trump will post on Twitter? Are you waiting to see what challenge will come up in the daily news? At least daily we read about someone saying something outrageous and the next day apologizing for it. 

Words are so cheap and if what comes out of our mouths will sell papers or up our ratings we can say it and say we are sorry the next day. Really? Where is our integrity if we can just say some words to get us out of our mess but no really mean it.

Why has journalism fallen to such a dangerous level? Is it all about the money or notoriety? What about the truth? Does this matter at all? Not if you don't believe in absolute truth. If there isn't anything real or absolute than why does it matter? I guess it doesn't and that's what I'm getting at.

If you know Jesus is Lord and what you say matters to the One and Only your words take on a whole new meaning. What if your purpose on this earth is to make Him known, and His love for this lost, demeaning generation? Your words matter immensely. 

Is your purpose is to love others regardless of how they treat you? Don't be ridiculous Ann, no one can do that! This is where grace comes in. We can't do anything pleasing to God on our own. We need Him to mold and shape our lives so He shines and not us.

No one needs what we have. Everyone needs the unsurpassed grace, mercy, compassion and strength of Our God. Can we humble ourselves so He can shine? Absolutely! Be what Jesus wants you to be today, and don't scold yourself if you don't. Tomorrow is a new day to shine for Him! 

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