Thursday, December 20, 2018

Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel. Luke 2:29-32 NIV

Simeon is looking for Jesus, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been many years that he sat, and prayed and longed for their meeting. God spoke to Simeon about this time, when the two would be in the same place, at the same time. The verse above is what Simeon spoke over Jesus at the proper time.

God spoke to Siomeon's heart that he wouldn't die until he saw the Messiah! He was a devout man which means he was dedicated and set apart for God. This knowledge of the meeting to take place was a serious and exciting time for Simeon. The Holy Spirit would lead him to the place, at the right time.

Israel was under Roman rule, and no Isrealite was happy about it. Some thought Messiah would deliver them from Roman hands, but Simeon  probably knew better. He knew Jesus would be: "a light of revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel."

This would be a new era in Biblical history, the time of revelation to the Gentiles, or the church era. This is where we live now. The ingathering of the Gentiles. It is a sacred time, and it may be coming to a close soon. God, in His excellent grace has extended His salvation to all those who will believe.

Every race and country in our world has believers who will stand for the kingdom of God, and in Jesus' name. Simeon and Anna had a part in the fulfillment of the promise. They dedicated themselves to prayer and to the will of their Heavenly Father. 

* We are the Annas and Simeons of our day.

God ushered in the promise, by His grace, but He used His servants and heard their cry. Their suffering is over. The promise is a baby, destined to cause the "falling and rising of many in Israel." Luke 2:34.

 The shaking to come for the people would be severe. Those who had contrite hearts, truly desiring to see Jesus, would be blessed, healed, and given revelation into the things of God. Those who liked religion the way it was, would be appauled and offended. These would call for His crucifiction.

Nothing has changed. Today we see people polarized to one position or another. Some may call their religion secularism, or liberalism, but it is their God. Some call out to Jesus, as Simeon did, for Him to come and right every wrong. This is God's heart, and He will come, in the proper time. He knows all things.

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