Friday, April 5, 2019

He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those who have young. Isaiah 40:11

This verse speaks to me about the current state of America. When did we stop caring for our young? There isn't any specific date or time we can pin this to, but the rise of abortion has made the picture clear. America needs to wake up and fight for life.

I felt as if I was thrown out of my comfortable spot when New York passed the infamous s240 bill in January. Why did the church allow this to happen? Why had we stepped back, and fallen into a stupor? I can only speak for myself on this; I was lulled to sleep by other things.

New York allowed abortion before it was federally mandated for every state. Did I think it would always be here? Did I give up the fight? Maybe, but I'm back now.

One of the things I think that discouraged me was the lack of any progress. We would pray, but not see any real tangible results. This is no longer our story! Since our campaign with"40 Days for Life" at Smithtown- Planned Parenthood, we have saved 3 babies! It is very exciting.

Not only do we help those who are needy, but we are planning a "Home for Young Mothers- Suffolk. " I am having 24 people to my house tonight to discuss the feasibility of such a place.  People from 5 different churches throughout L.I. We started a bank account, and by God's grace it is growing!

 We may have a piece of property as well! Two months ago all I had were a few friends, and some change in my bank. God spoke to my heart and said, "Focus on me, and move forward," and I have been doing this since that day. 

We hope to have a Yard Sale on Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 to 4:00 at my house, 30 Cobbler la. East Setauket. We are planning other events as well. I will keep you informed. Please pray for us. This could be a long road, but it's on God's heart.Who can stop the Lord Almight?

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