The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!" Matthew 8:27 NIV
Why are Jesus' disciples in awe of Jesus at this moment? He told the winds and waves to stop and they obeyed. I suppose they are getting to know him. He has healed the sick by this time, so maybe they thought He was some kind of healer?
Whatever they thought, it wasn't big enough to encompass commanding the wind and the waves. I guess there were others who healed, but no one who could command the basic elements of nature. No; this man Jesus was not like the others.
Why had the disciples chosen to follow Him in the first place? There was something compeling about Him, and each of them wouldn't say no to His offer to follow. Why did they continue to follow after the months gave way to years?
The hunger within them grew for more of God, and when Jeus was about to be the most popular, He died. Lots of lessons learned, but without Him they fell apart. What sense can be made of death?
Every other life would have been over, but not Jesus. This was the best part EVER! This is when commanding the wind and waves becomes commonplace. Rising from the dead was not expected, when though Jesus told them it would happen.
He tries to communicate a lot of things to me but I don't usually get His message the first time or second time either. It took an incredible miracle to express the love of God, and bring Him back to life. When all else seems to be gone, God creates a miracle! The giver of life had to die, in order to make us new!
The one who made the stupendous mountains and swirling oceans had to empty Himself completely in death to release us of the power of sin. He laid down everything for you. He gave His last breath for me too.
Yet we don't listen closely to His heart beat all the time. The best we can do is listen closely more often.We can lay down our all for Him. WE can die to our own plans. Sometimes He will resurrect them. To God Be the Glory!
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