"For through Him we both have access by one spirit to the Father."
Ephesians 2:18 NKJV
"For it is through Him that we both {whether far off or near} now have a introduction {access} by one {Holy} Spirit to the Father- so that we are able to approach Him." Eph. 2:18 AMP
I thought you might enjoy seeing the amplified Bible, and how it approaches this verse. It is rather wordy, which is why it's hard to read the amplified only. For insight to a verse you can't beat it. I like to read verses in different versions to get a clear picture what it's saying.
It is easy. Go to google, type in a verse or even part of it if you're not sure of the whole thing.You will get what you want, plus other translations. Bible Hub is one site that I use often. I'm careful not to read any personal interpretations of a verse. When doing a google search anything can come up. I want to be sure of my sources.
Valid sources are very important, especially when dealing with scripture. I like the use of the word "introduction" here. Jesus is our for-runner; the one who tells the Father all about us. I can hear him saying such wonderful things about you right now.
Jesus: "You are going to be thrilled by so and so. She loves you so much. She told several strangers how you delivered her from the fear of man. She went on and on about how much you care for us and she couldn't say enough about how you have met her needs in every way."
God the Father: When do I get to see this person? Jesus: Not for a long time; she has a lot more to do. God: Make sure you stay very close by her side, she is going to need your strength and power to do all that I have given her. Jesus: How about I live within her by the Holy Spirit? God: Sounds like a plan.
We are allowed access to God the Father because of the Son. This was unheard of in old testament days. No one had access to God, except for the High Priest who went into the Holy of Holies to offer sacrifice once a year. If he didn't do everything just right he would die. The reason for the bells on the end of his robe was for those outside to know if he fell over.The bells would ring and he would be pulled out. I'm not kidding.
A High Priest got one chance in his lifetime to enter the Holy of Holies. The presence of God was in this room. It represented our need for a Savior to go in on our behalf. Jesus finished this work on the cross, so there would never again be a need for a sacrifice. He was" the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world." John
1:29 NKJV He was born for this purpose. He died to set us free. This is not a guilt trip, but a victory! He wants us to rejoice. He rejoices with us.
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