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"Direct my steps by your word, And let no iniquity have dominion over me." {Psalm 119: 113}
It is funny what people respond to, especially when it comes to movies. My daughter likes horror movies, but I tell her not to open herself up to those things. The more we subject ourselves to the wrong kind of visual or audio, the more it will seem to loose its sting. It won't seem to be as bad as it once seemed. We slowly give it place in our lives as if it is normal, and acceptable.
So it is with sin. At first we know it is wrong, not pleasing to God, but the more we indulge, the more the lines seem to blur. This is a dangerous place to be! We lose sight of God and what He says, and become accustomed to what the enemy of our lives says. We "fit in" with this world, but not the God's anymore. Nothing saddened the heart of God more, than for a christian to forget the wickedness of sin, and wrongdoing.
Thank God that grace can be extended to everyone who reaches out to Jesus in true repentance, with a contrite heart, humbly asking to be restored. It is the life that we live as His children. Getting ourselves up, and asking for the grace to move on. It can be very painful, to humble ourselves, but it is necessary. It is where grace can begin its work in our hearts. Brokenness is a good place, not a comfortable place, but a place to learn. We trust God in brokenness, we are willing to learn.
Our comfort is not what God is looking for. He is looking to move us into a place where He can use us. Moving is never comfortable. It brings upheaval and work, but Jesus has a healing balm that causes us to soar high above all these things, as we lay them at His feet. You don't have to be strong, just obedient. love to you my dear sweet friends.
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