Wednesday, October 24, 2018

"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel" Philippians 1:27

This is my youngest child Stephanie 5 years ago, when she was 12. She is about to be 17. I can't imagine where the time has gone. The years fly into the next, and before you know it, everyone is older. This is the way life is. 

The truth is we don't know how much time we have here. Paul says, "whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel." If we get lax or too comfortable we will think this planet is our home, but it isn't.

Contending for the faith as one man is not what we see in America. Why don't we see it? It seems everyone has another agenda. I'm black or white, or democrat or whatever!

None of these things has any value compared to what Jesus offers. Priscilla Shrier said recently she is a christian, who happens to be black woman. I think she has the order the way Jesus would want us to.

Jesus needs to be first in our lives, because He alone knows what is coming down the road in your life. He is the Almighty God and He deserves to be front and center in everything we do.

If this isn't enough, we know His soon return will be for those who follow him, not as a hobby, or a once a week meet in church. No, He is serious about you and I being ready when He comes.

We are His bride, and we need to make ourselves ready. All of us together are the bride or His body. How do we make ourselves ready? We come together as one man and one mind. We can't be double minded.

We need to seek after God with all we have within us. Time may not be on our side. Jesus waits because you and I have unsaved family and friends we are praying for, but His time frame is something He alone knows.Give Him all of your doubts, fears and cares. He is able to handle every bit of it!

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