"Come and see the works of the Lord; He is awesome in His doing toward the sons of men.
{Psalm 66: 5}
Here I am in the Longwood Gardens Conservatory. Four acres of flowers, plants and trees for all over the world, some have been here for over a hundred years! My husband has wanted to return to this place since he first came in 1976. Don't wait that long to do the things you want to do. We plan on going back next month. Take time to smell the roses as the saying goes, but yes, you really need to!
When God created the earth, He spoke it into existence! He said, "Let there be light, " and there was light, Genesis1:3. He said, Let there be land and sky and sea. It is all recorded for us in Genesis chapter one. God is very practical! He doesn't use more than what He needs to accomplish something.
If all He needed to do was speak, that's what He did. The centurion who needed his servant to be healed understood authority so he said to Jesus, "If you just speak the word my servant will be healed." {Matthew 8:8}
It worked in the beginning of time, and it worked in Jesus time, but how come we don't believe to take God at His word today? Do we believe that Jesus loves us when someone says so, or do we cower back and say, I guess so, on the inside? I was like that for too much of my christian walk. "God's love for us is not based on us, it is simply placed on us," as Lysa Terkeurst says. We can't do anything to change that, which is so beyond our natural minds to comprehend. He doesn't need for us to understand it, He just wants us to receive it, as He so willingly reaches His loving hands in our direction.
I love the faith of this centurion who simply accepts that Jesus' authority is enough. I am not in the habit of thinking about the authorities over me, but in those days it was made clear, and the Romans made sure of it. Power and authority has been given to us, simply because we obey God. His love for us is the most powerful thing ever! Tell Him that you wholeheartedly believe it today!
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