"Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom." {Psalm 48:1} NIV
Can you imagine the greatness of the Lord? It is comparable to trying to think about the end of the sky; it just continues on without any end that we can comprehend. According to Luke1:33, speaking of Jesus- "And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end." These words were spoken by the Angel Gabriel to Mary when she first found out about Jesus being formed within her. Mary felt the greatness of God, after the Angel told her to not be afraid.
I think one of God's greatest qualities is His ability to identify with humans and know our frailties. In all of His awesomeness, He can still come to our level and tell Mary not to fear. She probably had never seen anything like Gabriel before! Most depictions of Angels in scripture describe them as immense creatures towering over the buildings! Maybe he was the normal size of a man; why would she be afraid? The heavenly glow that surrounded him must have been impressive!
The Most High over all the earth, in all greatness and glory, still bent down to our level to quietly paint a flower, many of them in fact. These simple signs of His gracefulness, and vivid beauty could never come close to the beauty of who He is. A simple indication of His presence, and the reality of who He is! The Creator, who even thinks of the smallest detail to point to Himself!
No one else could paint the sky with wisps of white and blue. How many days has He done this, too many to count, and still not one sky is like the other. Soon we will see Him come in the clouds and every eye shall see Him! {Revelation 1:7} With our abilities to see events as they happen through the use of T.V. and cell phones this is now possible. And we wait, we wait for you. For you are coming soon!
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