" Immediately he went to Jesus and said, 'Greeting Rabbi!' And kissed Him. But Jesus said to him, 'Friend, why have you come?' Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and took him." {Matthew 26: 49-50}
Have you ever doubted a friend's motive for being your friend? Have you ever thought something wasn't quite right? A friend just didn't like you back as you liked them? I have. I remember thinking as a child that I had to buy a friend a gift, otherwise they might not stay my friend. I was insecure in most relationships, because I didn't feel anyone would like me. What did I have to offer them?
To my surprise, I had friends who really did like me, and still like me after all these years! Praise God, for His love for me ,and for all of us who have been unsure of ourselves. I 'm pretty sure this includes all of us. Can you say amen?
Our greeter in this scripture above had purely selfish motives in greeting Jesus. He wasn't proud to be Jesus' friend , he was a robber and Jesus knew everything ungodly and evil thing about Judas. The kiss was one of defiance, and came from a cold blatant heart. There was no love or friendship in it. All of a sudden, Jesus is left with angry people wanting to kill him. A minute earlier the scene wasn't so serious, but Jesus knows that His time has come.
Jesus asks Judas why he has come. Jesus knew exactly what Judas was doing. Jesus exclaims in verse 56, "But all this has taken place in order that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled." No malice was found in Jesus. He knew that His Father had all power and authority, and that Judas was only a pawn from the devil's hand. What had to be ,would come to pass, and the rest is History, or as some might call it, His story. Blessings.
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