So we, Your people and the sheep of your pasture, Will give you thanks forever; We will show forth Your praise to all generations. {Psalm 79:13}
This house is lovely, but it would look even better if it wasn't overgrown with shrubs. It is a bit untidy! I won't show you what MY house looks like right now, because it is even worse! If someone doesn't tend to these things, what was once a beautiful yard can become rather unsightly.
It's the same with our spirits. If we don't keep the "weeds "out, we will be off kilter. As I shared on Wednesday, I have to keep my thoughts in order, so that the ugly weed of discontent doesn't take root. It can be so easy to to be thrown into a bad attitude because someone is rude or bitter with us. Don't allow that root to take hold in your life. Praise and worship to our God who is "the King" over ALL the earth, will turn our eyes to HIM, where they rightfully belong. Don't allow the enemy of our souls to get a foot in the door of your heart. Praise the Lord for He is worthy of Praise! Live a life of Praise!
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