I can't believe I just said what I told my girls not to say. Our neighbor just informed us that my son was driving way too fast around the corner by her house. I instructed the girls with me not to say anything to their brother, that I would deal with the problem at the appropriate time. Well, I walk into the house and I am in his face about the whole thing.
I blew my whole lesson, and only made my son more angry at our neighbor! Why didn't I take my own advice? Why was I quick to tell him how wrong he was? Self control? Oh, yes - - that is it. I wish I could draw a sad face right here, but I can't. I can't blame it on the caffeine I just consumed, although I would like to. All fingers point to me. Yuck!
We all seem like hypocrites at one time or another. Fortunately, my girls didn't catch that, so I wasn't embarrassed. We all want to do the right thing, and we know better, but out comes the curse words, or the degrading tone. Oh, how I wish I could take those words back. Lord, help me to remember to slow down, put a comma in my speech so that I can catch my breath. Commas help a lot. I know God has forgiven me, because I asked Him to. He always has the right words to say!
" Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. { Colossians 4:6} ESV
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