Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Kindness- A foreign term to some, but well known to those of us that read the Bible. It is a fruit of the Spirit, so as we grow closer to Jesus, this should be one of the signs of our love and devotion to Him. Oh God, sometimes this is so easy, and then sometimes...  I know you can relate. Our patience can wane. Didn't we talk about patience recently? Oh God!!!

Let me relax a bit. When I am relaxed I can be a lot more kind... and patient. I'm sure you can be too.

"Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can't you see that His kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?  Romans 2:4  { NLT }

This is so very true! No one turns to God because someone made them feel lower than low over their sin. People turn to Jesus, because they see the kindness of God in His servants. They see the love of the Father, because in His patience He never gives up on us! This causes others to want to put away sin, and be filled with that unfathomable love that fills hearts who want to know Him. There is nothing in this world that can fill us, calm us, and continue with us even when we make mistakes.

Stop, slow down, wait and hear from God. If I do this I am happy with the outcome. I have no regrets. I can look back on any given situation and say Thank you Lord, if I slow down, and hear.
It is so worth waiting and listening. Will you join with me in cultivating this in your life? Let's make sure we pray for each other too. Thank - you!

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