Don't let the temperature fool you today, it really is spring! I have been seeing robins in the yard, and even a cardinal. It's not time to plant here in New York, but give it a week or two, and the ground will be warm.
The fig tree puts forth her green figs, And the vines with the tender grapes Give a good smell. Rise up, my love, my fair one and come away! {Song of Solomon 2:13}
We all need a break once in a while. My husband and I celebrated our 28th anniversary at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania last weekend, so you will be seeing a lot of Longwood in the weeks to come. The tulips were out, and the white lilies, oh , they were so beautiful!
The white lilies are usually a sign of Easter, because they open this time of year. Since their flower is so huge, with delicate lines, and the green stem is so sturdy they stand tall and proclaim the resurrection! They are known as the trumpet lily, and the flower so overpowers the stem in size, but like every thing in nature they compliment each other. If I were to design a flower I would never have thought to do it like that, but God knows His direct desire when giving each creation a specific look.
This ties in with our verse today because every thing in God's universe has a purpose. When the ground warms and the fig and grape vines produces their fruit, singing appears on the earth, as if the produce has a voice! It is singing in its own way, proclaiming the faithfulness of God, and His desire for the earth to go on. God calls us to "come away with me" so that we can see past the temporal, earthly things and hear Him singing over us.
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