I went by the field of the lazy man, And by the vineyard of the man devoid of understanding; And there it was, all overgrown with thorns; its surface was covered with nettles; its stone wall was broken down. { Proverbs 24:30-31}
Would you look at my green house? My husband purchased it a few years ago to put blueberry plants in so that no animals would touch them. It is in the woods and it is covered with weeds. How can anything live or grow without sunlight? When we bought this cute house, we didn't have as much shade as it has today. It didn't take long for the trees to overcome it, and the weeds inside to spring up out of the skylight.
Our greenhouse also has a few broken sections from soccer balls, or golf balls hitting it. It remains as a reminder to me of what can happen too quickly if we stop for a moment, instead of moving forward. I know we all need times of rest, and God gives us these, as I said a few days ago. I am talking about never looking back, or giving in to lies, fears and torment. It is one of the reasons why Jesus tells us to look to him, because He is on the move. He has plans to prosper us, and not to harm us, {Jeremiah 29:11}, to give us a hope and a future. When we get distracted with other things we can move off the good way, and fall for the bad.
Distractions are my worst enemy. In a household such as ours so many things can pull for my attention. Our three dogs for example, two of them are on medication and have serious diseases. Not a big deal most of the time, except one of them is prone to leave us gifts on the floor which is brought on by her meds. We have thrown out most of our rugs, and we have had long periods when she is fine, but right now, not so fine. This is what the Bible calls "Little foxes that spoil the vine."{Song of Solomon 2:15}Did you know that God answers prayer for our pets?
When we are aware of the divisiveness of our enemy, and how he works, we can be released from bondages that once held us captive. I am in awe of how good God is to us, who follow after Him. I never would have thought, before I knew the Lord, that his loving-kindness would reach far enough to pull me to His side! Even after 42 years of being His daughter, I can't understand why He loves us so, and how incredible His plans for us can be. We never stop growing in God, we are never too old, or too sick, every opportunity we encounter He can turn it around for good. If you feel that some weeds might have started to grow in your life, yank them out, by turning to the Lord and asking Him to turn you around. Talk to an understanding friend who can pray with you, and encourage you in God. Nothing that we can do will keep us from His side," if we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."{1John 1:9}. Have a wonderful blessed weekend! Love and prayers to you, my dear readers.
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