"in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory." Ephesians 1:12
These tropical flowers are thriving inside a huge greenhouse in Pennsylvania. I'm sure this is the only way we could see such beauties without going to the tropics. Our climate is not conducive to such flowers. Warmth is what is needed twenty four seven in order for growth to occur. Sometimes I feel like this too. I very glad that God pours out his love on us, so that when we are in cold, wintry seasons of the soul, we can live on the truth he has stored away in our hearts.
The Apostle Paul is addressing the church in the city of Ephesus, and the surrounding areas. This is one of the first churches since Jesus rose from the dead.The time is about A.D. 60, and Paul is in prison in the city of Rome. It is obvious that he cares for the people because he is assuring and loving as a father would be with his child.
Can you imagine being a member of one of the first churches? Everything is new, and much emphasis would be placed on prayer and carefully following Jesus' commands. The believers trusted one another, because others would not have any understanding of the faith. Acts 2:44
In our society, many think that an understanding of who Jesus is comes from a definition, or a pre conceived notion without experiencing salvation. A lethargy has come upon some with lack of enthusiasm and joy. This is not what christianity is. "The joy of the Lord is my strength and my shield." Psalm 28:7
WE need to experience some of the wonder of the early church. Jesus is alive today as much as he was back in the beginning of the church age. He hasn't changed, but we can be lulled to sleep by all that we have. Those who rely on God for their daily bread do not forget his kindness. There is a hopeful expectation, and a heart's cry of humbleness.
Lord, help us to rely on you for our daily bread. Not our natural food, but our spiritual sustenance that our soul longs for. If we cry out to you to fill us, you will hear and answer. Let us not be lethargic in any of our ways. May you be first in our hearts and lives.
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