Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, Philippians 2:6
Christ didn't take advantage of His deity while on earth. He humbled himself and became like us. He could have left earth at any time while here, but He chose not to.
And the verse before this says: Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Philippians 2:5 How can we ever attain to be like Christ? It is impossible! Do worry if you thought God was asking you to do this in your own strength.
Christ wanted to be like man in order to redeem us. Before God created the world he knew we would need to be redeemed. To empty himself of all deity to become one of us, this is powerful. It was the only way.
While Jesus was maturing He probably wasn't able to move in the power of the Holy Spirit, but once His ministry began, there was no stopping Him. The world isn't big enough to hold an account of all the miracles. The Holy Spirit was at work before Jesus came, and is at work today.
God wants to send a revival beyond our wildest imaginations. It will be the last outpouring of His grace and mercy in a huge way. Many have been praying for this and we believe it is coming soon.What will it look like when it comes?
Many will be healed and brought to the faith. People will want righteousness in the land. Marriages will be saved. Lawlessness and hatred will diminish. It will be the reverse of what we are seeing now. Hatred will almost be eliminated among people.
The enemy of our souls will be angry. He will try to deceive, and some will go back to their previous lives of believing the devil.
Christ will return to start His millennial reign on earth, and we will reign with Him.
This will be a time many have wanted to live in. Peace will last, joy will be unwavering, and complete. In the presence of Jesus, we will enjoy restoration of the earth. The garden of Eden will return, without any weeds, pests or work for us. We will understand the hows and whys of everything.
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