Friday, January 13, 2017

This is my amaryllis! It is even nicer today because it has two flowers. What a difference it makes in January, to have this beaming red flower to look at! I am grateful for it. Can you be grateful for small things?

Do you notice the things that everyone else misses? Can you hear God's still, small voice? Yesterday I shared about hearing God as the thunderous voice of His word. Today I want to delve into hearing what can be easily overlooked.  Everyone can understand the content of what the Word of God says, but can you sense His heart intent as you read the pages?

We can understand what the words say, but do we feel or sense what the Word of God is speaking to our hearts? Is it real to you when the Song of Solomon says " My beloved spoke, and said to me: 'Rise up my love, my fair one and come away. For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, '" {Song of Solomon 2:10-12a}

God is speaking to us, about His love for us, and about our safety in Him. He wants us to come away with Him where we can be stable, unmoved with the craziness of this world. He wants us to come above the noise and the confusion of life, and just sit in His presence. Only the Holy Spirit can allow us this treasured experience, every day. Come away, my beloved!

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