This is what it looks like in my front yard right now. Snoopy is a favorite because when I was a child, he was the comic that I would always read. Dogs were considered special in my family, and this dog was silly, cute and endearing.
What is on your heart during this season? Do you enjoy the holidays or are they just something you hope to get through without any damages? I'm thinking financial, or relational damage that can occur when we are in close proximity to those we love. Differing of opinions, how we raise our families, and live our lives can become explosive discussions within minutes since some of them come with hurt feelings from past holiday "discussions".
I lived through this with my Mom's mother and my Father. They were not "friends" to put it lightly. Most holidays they were civil, but both had short fuses and harsh tongues.The last time my Dad saw my Grandmother they had a big fight over how much my father would contribute to my college education. I had already finished two years, but my father felt that I should get a job and contribute to my tuition. My Grandmother was used to getting her way, and felt that I should have my education paid for by herself, my Mom and Dad. Dad left there fuming, and the ride from Connecticut to Long Island was much longer than usual. My Mom and Grandmother paid for the last two years. I am very grateful for that.
I don't mean to be airing dirty laundry, my point is that we can make or break bad situations by how we look at people ahead of time. Seeing those who we have difficulty with through Jesus' eyes can help us to hold our tongues. Before you know it, time will pass and those who we are angry with will be gone, and there will be no words said that will change this. A little compassion and concern for others can go a long way.
Jesus speaking to His Father said, "And the glory which you gave me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You loved Me. { John 17:22-23}
Let God lead you as you talk and share this Christmas. I am praying for you, and myself that He may be glorified. AMEN.
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