"And they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." {Revelation 12:11}
Did you know that your story matters to God? It also matters to the many people that will read it and be touched. John Eldredge, in the book "The Sacred Romance" shares from scripture how God has us on a magnificent journey, and if we follow Him, there will be drama, the unexpected, and great love revealed. The problem comes with us not knowing which way the journey will take us. This is what G.K.Chesterton is quoted as writing in "The Sacred Romance:" "The thing which keeps life romantic and full of fiery possibilities is the existence of these great plain limitations which force all of us to meet the things we do not like or do not except."
None of us wake up each morning and say, Oh great! What fiery trial will beset me today! We want everything in life to go along smoothly, and without resistance, but then we wouldn't recognize our need for our Savior. God, in His divine wisdom knows what calamities will show us what this world is all about, so that we draw near to Him. He takes no pleasure in suffering, because as a Good Father He would never place hardship on us in this way. If it produces fruit in our lives by teaching us a valuable lesson or causing us to grow in patience God declares it sandpaper to knock off our rough edges. He is more interested in our spiritual growth than our comfort.
Our verse today is a well known one, but several versions use different words to explain the beginning.
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