"You, however, did not come to know Christ that way." Ephesians 4:20 NIV
When we come to Jesus for the first time, we don't know what to expect. Hopefully you were taught by someone who told you the truth, and didn't try to chocolate coat anything for you. Walking with God isn't a picnic in the park, but it's exciting, adventurous, and filled with new ideas. He is more wonderful than we could ever imagine!
Our minds can be cluttered with many ideas of what others think He is like. Just about anyone you talk to will tell you some tale of who He is to them. Only the truth tells us He is good, faithful, and kind. It is His kindness that leads us to repentance, the Bible tells us. Why would we dedicate our lives to someone who wasn't all of these things?
Deception will try to tear the truth from us and describe God as a tyrant who loves bossing others around. This is a funny thought! Jesus paid the price for us to enter into God's presence with His own blood. This was His Father's will so you and I could be part of God's family. Jesus was obedient to the father for our sakes. This doesn't sound like an unkind thing to do.
It was His greatest moment, laying down His life for those who could never pay Him back, or save themselves. Love is the only motive for such an act.God's grace was richly poured out for us on the cross. There is nothing we can do to match such a selfless act.
All we need to do is accept this undeserving free gift. All of my sin and unrighteousness for all of His grace, love and kindness. It isn't fair, but then heaven is far beyond our ways and fairness as we may think of it is not how God operates. Grace gives and gives without asking for anything in return.
Love doesn't boast about how wonderful it is. It simply is. Love overcomes all wrongs, despair and torment. The chains are broken and the captives are set free. Faith is the avenue by which we receive His love. Believe God today to do great things through you!
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