"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. {1 Corinthians 9:24}
I finally figured out what I have to do to keep my weight from climbing! Instead of just walking, I have to run. I found this out kind of on accident, when I put music on during my exercise time, and realized I moved faster! Ha, what a big deal! I know you are saying to yourself, why has it taken her so long to figure this out.! We all come to conclusions at our own speeds.
I would rather run anyway, because it doesn't take as much time, and it is more fun, especially with worship music. My entire body has been a little sluggish and along with the right supplements, I think I am on to something! Remember, don't judge me, we all have our own times of revelation!
Don't give up, keep moving, you can do it! Just a little more. Determination to "win the prize" of Christ Jesus is not limited to one person. It is tedious, heart wrenching, an uphill battle, and very sweaty. It comes with perseverance, clarity and will. It is not a prize for earthly gain, but for spiritual, which is what lasts forever. No rust, corrosion, or dust will ever defile it!
Hebrews 10:31 says It's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." What on earth have I gotten myself into! I don't need fear in my life for goodness sake. Oh, but His goodness, purity and grace also come with His power and authority.We will be fine, as long as we look through His eyes of grace, and see the completed picture. No, It won't always be fun, but it will be worth it. Keep on running!
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