Monday, April 24, 2017

I love the colors of these tulips! They are so delicious, and remind me of raspberry sherbet.  Anyway, The month of April has just slipped through our hands it has happened so fast! Two more months and we will be half way through the year! I can't believe it, but it's true. My husband asked me what I did today, and the only thing I have to show for it is laundry. Everyone depends on that laundry, so some may think it is insignificant, but we all know it's Mom who keeps everything running smoothly!

I don't need any accolades, or marching bands because what I do is important to my family, so it is fulfilling a part of my calling as a wife and Mom. No one has to give me a pat on the back or a gift, I know who runs the show, and so do they. What happens when Mom isn't home explains why my job is so important. Kids have to do their own laundry, cooking cleaning and the list goes on.

Throughout history it has always been those who keep the home fires burning, that have enabled others to go out and win battles, or fight for what is right. It is not a lesser job or menial, because it has to get done. The foundational things hold up every other layer.

I am not saying that I love laundry, because at the end of the day, when the piles have to be put away I have run out of steam. What I want you to know is that less is more when God is in it. If God is glorified by my chores then they are more valuable than I know. My attitude is what makes the difference. And I do get bored at times of going to stop and shop just one more time in a week, but I like to eat, and so does everyone else!

"Keep on rejoicing in the Lord at all times. I will say it again: Keep on rejoicing! { Philippians 4:4}
"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.  {Psalm 28:7}

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